As I recall, my friend was dating a travel agent and she got us a smoking deal for three days at the Landmark. We always drove to Vegas because it is only 400 miles from Tucson. We checked in and within a few hours on Friday night, the famous Landmark had taken about half of our bankrolls. With about $400 each to last until Sunday we filled up the tank just in case and tried to make the best of it. The Riv was close by but they made a dent in the bankroll too so we went to the old standby Slot-O-Fun to eat cheap and play Black Jack.
A player there told us about a Black Jack game at Vegas World called Polish Black Jack and we decided to check it out. When we got there sure enough there were several Black Jack tables hosting Polish Black Jack where the dealers cards were FACE UP and everybody else's cards were FACE DOWN! Totally Bass Akwards!
There was a "trade off" as I recall and I think it was "dealer wins all ties" and the minimun bet was $20 or so but what a deal as I was just learning to count cards! I did very well thanks to Bob's very cool Polish Black Jack, and it was a great weekend after all.