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The Chip Board Archive 19
Re: OMG... I've not heard that said in many years.
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OMG... I've not heard that said in many years.
In South East Texas we call it Sheet Rock too, but the term Dry Wall is often used as well but more often Sheet Rock is used. It must just vary from area to area.
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NCR ~ Thursday Humor (Mature)... 12:37 AM, EST
Phyllis do you ever sleep? Very Funny!
OMG... I've not heard that said in many years.
and even further down............
Re: and even further down............
Surely you jest, Michael...
Surely you jest, Michael.
Now, Michael, most of us know...
Did Somebody Say Egg Cream
Read why it's called "Egg" Cream
of the three; "Gyprock" says it all, correctly ...
Re: OMG... I've not heard that said in many years.
Phyllis always opens up with some very educational
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