Re: That is why Nevada has the law
One point you are missing in my post.
My friend did not render first aid assistance to the injured. If he had he would be completely covered by insurance.
He directed the traffic around the scene of the accident thereby assuming control of the accident scene before arrival of the police. There was a difference as pointed out by their lawyer.
There was enough of a gray area to percipitate a lawsuit by the injured mother and her lawyer.
The lesson to be learned here is not so much if he was right or wrong in what he did on that day but my friend having to spend his own money to defend himself on the actions he took.
What would YOU do if you were he and came across an accident for a second time?
Society and the legal system with the "Sue The Ba$tard" mentality has forced most people to
drive by and not get involved.
Perhaps people would be less inclined to sue someone if they had to pay the other persons legal fees if they lost the case that they brought about? Would be less lawsuits I'lll bet.