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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: morality
In Response To: morality ()

A good friend of mine stopped at an accident on a major highway.The police had not arrived yet and he saw others were tending to the injured so he decided to offer assistance by directing traffic around the accident scene. During this time traffic backed up as cars slowly passed the accident scene. Several cars back he hears a crash and the sound of twisting metal. A mother with a baby onboard slammed into the slow moving traffic. She was hurt bad along with the baby. Now there are 2 accidents. The injured from both accidents were transported to the hospital.My friend went on his way.
Several months later, my friend receives a letter from a law firm representing the mother and infant baby He is being sued for $800,000.00. The basis of their lawsuit was, when he decided to direct traffic around the accident scene and not wait for the police to arrive, he assumed responsibility for the scene therefore liable for any damages incurred. He was shocked and pi$$ed at the same time.
His insurancecompany basically told him he was on his own. He did eventually get a lawyer and was able to win the case but it cost him many thousands of dollars to defend himself.
It is stories like this that discourage people from stopping at accident scenes.

Messages In This Thread

I would hope to
thank You
Re: morality
I'll put you down for option #3
1-yes 2-yes 3-depends on car equipped
maybe the story confuses you.
Re: maybe the story confuses you.
Re: maybe the story confuses you.
Re: morality
Re: morality
That is why Nevada has the law
Re: That is why Nevada has the law
Re: That is why Nevada has the law
Re: That is why Nevada has the law
Shoot the lawyers?
I meant no disrespect to lawyers
Not enough information....
Mike did the cow live
Yes, for about 2.5 seconds vbg
AND Learned to FLY! vbg
sorry to hear about your wife.
You didn't give PRAYING as an Option vbg
my fault... sorry
U must have picked otion #3? vbg
noticed the scarcasm did you?
So you just drove by and smiled as they died? grin
I'll mark you down for Option #2
I'm Not a Doctor, BUT I did stay in a Holiday Inn
option #2
Sorry... Does not count. You MUST ...
Seems like the question could be...
I'll put you down as Option #2
Are there really trees in the desert?
three of them
Re: morality
I'll mark you down as option #2

Copyright 2022 David Spragg