Re: I like that one.

Messages In This Thread
- How debit cards Cheat Democrats
- Paul, Are fees not clearly outlined in all cases?
- The artical speaks for it self
- Your right It says nothing about my other
- It is the Government that ...
- something like
- You do have a Balance register
- Then there is always the $75 blanket charge
- I guess you dont get it Paul. EVERYONE who has
- You are Missing
- Ahhh, Kind of like the entire Democratic party
- Sleight of hand vs Fraud.
- Trying to understand arguement..*vbg*
- obviously i'm among stupid-no smiley face...
- I have an idea!
- Bush's fault smiley face didn't work
- Re: Bush's fault smiley face didn't work
- thank you archie-was waiting for obama to call
- A tale of 2 cities.
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- r u gonna
- Re: r u gonna
- City #1
- Paul, Why would Doug lose his home?
- Oh, I just figured it out.... Doug is one of those
- house would have been paid off...but
- Sorry, Judy got those first...........
- that is really true....
- Can't wait to find out what happens in city #2
- I can't wait either!
- Here's what happened ....
- unable to pay his mortgage.
- But he has no remaining mortage to pay.
- ok. my calculator was not running
- Doug who does not smoke cigars
- But he never missed a payment in 27 years?
- Doug who does not smoke cigars.
- But he does not owe anyone money.
- Truth and fiction
- Re: City #1 - Another side of the story !!!!!
- and when Snow White came down with Br ea st Cancer
- Ahhh, now we get to the truth.
- Re: Ahhh, now we get to the truth.
- I'll put you down for outcome #1
- Paul, let me put this into a context you can
- Ahahhh I see now you have finally convinced me
- Nice try, but no cigar.
- insurance Pools are
- Give up your freedom
- Having a Senior moment are we?
- Re: Nice try, but no cigar.
- Maybe this.....
- There is a difference between
- then doug takes a vacation and
- bruno happens to be a
- I like that one.
- Re: I like that one.
- Re: I like that one.
- Re: I like that one.
- Re: I like that one.
- Not quite as good.
- But then again
- I don't know Paul but...
- city #2.
- She is a free loader! What does she care!
- Darn, I was really hoping for a car chase
- Re: She is a free loader! What does she care!
- It's the American Story!
- Somewhat racist dont you think?
- OK change black 20 Yr old
- Sorry... you know what they say...
- Maybe she can borrow the extra fees
- I seem to see a trend developing
- Headed for bed now Paul. This was a fun game.
- Re: city #2.
- Re: city #2.
- You are forgetting one thing...
Copyright 2022 David Spragg