I have spent a lot of time travelling around Asia and in China they are certainly considered good luck to have around. In many Chinese markets and the shacks of street vendors you can buy crickets in little bamboo cages to hang in your bedroom or car. People believe they bring luck - and also find the sound soothing (which may be an accquired taste). They are similarly kept in some Southern European countries - but I believe this may just be as pets and/or for the sound.I believe in South America (especially Brazil) and the Caribbean (especially Barbados) crickets chirping in your house can also be a sign that you are about to come into money. Alternatively it can mean that it's about to rain!
By the way, the linked article above has a photo of a grasshopper along with the advise. That's kind of scary? People are reading and trusting them for information and the author doesn't even know what a cricket looks like? I like the molasses answer. Non-poisonous, inexpensive and they go away quietly.