That no matter what all was said about him during his administration; he kept us safe.
I've posted this many times on this board while Bush was being bashed and had many responses saying that "anyone could have kept us safe following 9-11."
I saw it live when he was handed the news here in Florida on Sept.11, 2001... and saw his reaction while his head hung low, saddened by the news whispered in his ear.
I always liked the man and voted for him and his father as well... I also backed McCain 100% up until he pulled the Palin card... and when she spoke at the RNC that night; fellow Republicans in rural Palm Beach County agricultural area got on the horn to see to it that millions of dollars would make it up to the Obama camp the following day. There was too much to be lost if she got in power...
This administration is young... 2010 is just around the corner.
We're a strong group of people who for the first time in many years are listening to each other.