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The Chip Board Archive 19

Thank you Lance, Please remind me,,

next Wednesday!! To me that is a long ways off. vbg You all know I am Brain-Dead,,,, You all will have to email me with instructions & pictures!! vbg Thank you so much again and have a great night, Mark

Messages In This Thread

Funds for the Greg Susong Memorial Tournament-----
VERY nice of you, Lance! grin
How Cool is That! XLNT vbg
I want to enter but am not signed up on
Re: I want to enter but am not signed up on
Would Love to Support,, BUT Not,,
Re: Would Love to Support,, BUT Not,,
5 seat seats left
4 seat seats left - thank you Jeff
Re: 3 seat seats left - thanks Mark
Thank you Lance, Please remind me,,
Re: 2 seat seats left
Re: 1 seat left
50 Registered vbg 1 seat left
Oh my god I didn't know...
I just signed up...
We all will donate in the end....
I just signed up too..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg