"You have made one or more posts to TheChipBoard.com. In doing so, you checked the optional check box to be notified by email whenever someone (even a SPAM-Bot) posts a reply message to your post(s).
Then, a SPAM-Bot comes along and posts a SPAM reply message to your post, which generates an email to you from Greg/TheChipBoard with a link to the reply message. That is the junk email message that you are getting, right?
Since Greg has several people always looking for these SPAM posts (who try to delete them as soon as practcal) whenever you try to visit the link reply message, you usually get a message that the reply post was deleted by the poster or that it no longer exists. This is because it was deleted.
Most of these SPAM-Bot posts have random, mixed, uper-case and lower-case letters in the subject, or as the sender, and sometimes both.
While many people post and never get SPAM-Bot replies, some people will get a ton of them. If anyone of your past posts tend to generate a ton of SPAM-Bot replies, please let me know which one it is (send me a link) and I'll delete your email addy, so that you stop getting email notifications of any posted replies. Please note, if the affected post has a message that you really want to know about replies, then this solution is NOT for you.
I hope this helps."
PLEASE NOTE: Greg has said previously...
"The only bad part about that is that whenever you delete a post, we lose a page of history on The Chip Board. May I suggest that instead of deleting you post, Jim Follis has offered to help by editing out the email address for you. Just forward the post to him and he will take care of it.
That is VERY generous of you Jim. Thanks!
FYI, whenever a posts hits the archives they can no longer be replied to so they will receive no spam then.
Here is the link to that post:
PLESE, do not delete your old posts, when is is simple to just have one of the admins delete your email addy. This does fix the problem and it was Greg's request.