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The Chip Board Archive 19

Problems with the ChipBoard today

I woke up this morning at see we have a problem going on with The Chip Board as well as Greg's other boards.

I know that for quite some time, the board's posting time has been off by a couple hours. I was talking with someone the other day about that and I guess it's been off for several weeks? I guess I never noticed as it appeared to be working on west coast time instead of CDT.

Now it appears the time is way off and I'm not seeing any posts since yesterday.

I just got off the phone with Jim Follis (THANKS JIM!) and he has indicated to me that appears this type of event has happened before. Jim is going to make a post as well about this subject. He believes I need to try to find out where the sites are physically hosted and call the hosting provider and have them adjust the clock for us. This should cause those other posts to reappear in the posting listing.

I am going to be swamped at work today as we are in the middle of a big release over the next couple of days on some software that I am responsbile for at work. As a result, my availablity will be spotty at best. David Spragg did send me some phone numbers the other day and I will use those as a starting spot to try to track this down.

All I can say is please be patient. I'm upset myself that all of a sudden we've got a major issue here. I know that working together we can overcome these issues.



Messages In This Thread

Problems with the ChipBoard today
You've got my support, Brian
Thank you Brian, no problem.
I am with u if I can help LMK
You the man Brian grin
vbg DITTO!! You the man Brian grin
Brian, Thanks for your "technical" abilities and..
Re: Brian, Thanks for your "technical" abilities a
Barry, I recall "FL" being mentioned also...
I Agree
We trust you Brian, do what you gotta do grin
Thanks, Brian!! grin
are you getting my emails Steve??
we are all behind you 100% Brian!
Brian We thank you, Dont worry
Re: Problems with the ChipBoard today
Re: Problems with the ChipBoard today

Copyright 2022 David Spragg