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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: Selling chip collection advice
In Response To: Selling chip collection advice ()

Kevin - Not much in there of any value with the exception of the $5 Halloween/Christmas chips from Las Vegas. Those might fetch $8-$10 if you find the right collector. The others just do not have enough "collectability" to be valued much above $5-$6 each. The trick is either finding those individual collectors and selling them for $5-$7 one at a time or, even worse, having to do all of the work to post them on eBay only to have them go unsold or see most of your money go towards eBay & PayPal fees. I'd suggest offering them as a complete set, on this site or free sites such as Craig's List, for 80% of face value. Good luck.

Messages In This Thread

Selling chip collection advice
Re: Selling chip collection advice
Best of luck to you!
What I would do (not exactly advice, though) ...
Or, you could ...
Re: Selling chip collection advice

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