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The Chip Board Archive 19

Greg IS Watching!

Here is something spooky. I've been trying to lay hands on the Thank You Greg chip for the last few days with no luck. Certainly wanted it as a rememberance so i looked in all the likely places. My problemis that my desk and collection is a constant mess. i've had computers die so my filing of current chips is way behind so I've been going by "seat of the pants" filing and searchin for quite a while. By that I mean, I visulaise a chip and then vector that vision to a quadrant of my desk. For instnace, I've got two piles of convention acquisitions, '08 and '09 a slot coin cup with about $2000 worh of eBay wins anothr cup with chips, swizzles and spare flips and air-tites. and another cup with R-7's through R-10's. I pawed through some chips where I might find Greggo but no luck.

Odd thing was that i kept feeling a presence watching over my sholder. Seemed like a very amused round head sporting round glasses and a big smile. Hmmmm, wonder who? I finally gave in and said, "Com 'on
Greg giva me a hint will ya? My gaze and my hand was drwn to a catch-all PrimmaDonna glass with about 30 roulettes stcked up in it. About 6 chips down I finally found my "Thanks for all you do Gregs" That's my story and I'm stiking to it!

Could someone please pass on to me the story of this chip? I did find a note thta I donated $12.50 for this chip but what was the occasion and date? Would apprecialte any help in this direction.

Messages In This Thread

Greg IS Watching!
I would love one of those chips!...
Any extras?
Re: Any extras?
Cool! Thanks, Von!
I have about 4 or 5 of those chips, but ...
I have about 4 or 5 of those chips, but ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg