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The Chip Board Archive 19

Greg, my friend you will NEVER be forgotten…..

I was away this weekend – I had gone to a Penn State football game with my son Damian and my old high school football coach and his wife.

When I got home and logged on to the Chip Board, I was totally blown away to find that my dear friend Greg Susong had passed away. I sat before the computer in disbelief - Greg was gone !!! What a tragedy that the life of this incredible man had been cut short. I am not ashamed to say that I shed a few tears as I told my wife Nancy the sad news.

Greg’s death brought back memories of other Hall of Fame members and my good friends who had also gone way before their time – Bob Mera and Bruce Landau. I truly loved and respected these guys who had given so much to our great Hobby. Greg, like Bob and Bruce will NEVER be forgotten and their memories will always be cherished by me.

I was so glad to see Greg at the Convention this year that I gave him a big hug and told him how good it was to have him back with all my other chip buddies. He gave me that BIG smile and said “Jerry, it’s great to see you again.”

Over the years, I traded and exchanged hundreds and hundreds of roulette chips with Greg – who was one of the “Best Damned Roulette “Harvesters” that ever lived. What a great time we had exchanging “harvesting” stories, laughing and just enjoying life.

As Bruce Landau would have said “Greg, you are the best !!”

Greg gave so much to this Hobby and we could never repay him for all he did.

Greg will NEVER be forgotten.

Rest in Peace.

Your friend,
“Mr. Roulette”

Copyright 2022 David Spragg