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The Chip Board Archive 19

"How to destroy chips"

Daily I read a site called www. gamingfloor .com It's Eurocentric and I believe Mr. Spragg knows the prop., Ian, whose surname excapes me. Along with daily gaming news bulletins from around the world, there is a gaming operations forum that can be interesting also. Today, there is a thread "How to destroy chips" and several folks weigh in. One bloke tells of a mobile destruction truck that came to his joint and "atomised" everything. Hope he was talking about chips only! Best way to destroy chips as we know is to mail them in regular paper envelope. Always a good read if you can tolerate all that goofy spelling they do over there. Colour, labour, yabos etc.

Messages In This Thread

"How to destroy chips"
Ian Sutton
Ian was also a club member; worked in FL and wrote

Copyright 2022 David Spragg