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The Chip Board Archive 19


I was on my way to Texas when I got a text with the news of Greg. I'm at a total loss We have been friends for years. We have been through several hobbies together (Coin collecting, Flying Selfmade Model Airplains, and Chip Collecting) He got me started in most of these like when I went up north on vacation and asked him if he wanted me to bring him back chips. When I returned he said do you want cash or some of my traderes I picked the chips and that what got me stared.
Our first trip to Vegas as a group (the guys just getting away) was a vegas world special. And then every year after Greg would call and ask you going this year.
And I made it most years. a millon memories were made with the Limo Studs (Greg,Wes,Bob,and myself) Vegas will never be the Same. We Have Lost a Best Buddy.
May you rest in peace my friend.


Copyright 2022 David Spragg