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The Chip Board Archive 19

Greg Susong...

My computer has been in the shop for the past week and I have only looked at the Chipboard off and on using my daughter’s computer.
After I got up this morning I went to check mail and look at the Chipboard for Joke of the day and the Hotrod of the day I ran acrorss Andy Hughes’ post of the Poker tournament being cancelled due to Greg’s passing. Really, I thought? Greg who? And went on to other posts. I saw other posts of similar nature, only to discover it was Greg SUSONG. This is a really sick joke, posted on the Chipboard. I continued to read only to find the miles of posts in response to the news. It was true.

I felt emptiness in the pit of my stomach as I read in total disbelief. Greg can’t die, he is the core of the chipping community, he’s too young, he still has a young wife and family, no it is a mistake. The news was a total shock that had blindsided me. I had never met him but had communicated with him often about chips, banknotes and other things via email. He was the First person I spoke with when I found that chip collection was a REAL hobby. He was somehow able to moderate the chaos and bickering on the board without him getting emotionally involved. In the years I knew Greg I never saw him mad even when he was the butt of our jokes. He took it in stride and laughed with us. As I write this I am still in disbelief. The Chipping community has suffered the equivalent of a heart attack by the loss of Greg Susong.

The price of a life is death. We must all pay the price one day; I firmly believe we will all meet again. For the rest of us… be sure to be buried with a few chips because by the time we get there, no doubt Saint Peter will be collecting chips and it will take a few traders to get into Heaven fot the rest of us!
I am sure reality will set in soon for me that he is really gone…..

Goodbye Greg, it was an honor to be your friend.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg