The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 19

The Chip Board King of Poker has been cancelled

Due to the passing of Greg, Jay & I have decided to cancel The Chip Board King of Poker. If you have already registered for tournament #3 this coming Wednesday, please unregister. The Chip Board Road to the World Series of Poker was going to start in January. Jay & I will decide on the future of the tournaments after the first of the year.

Also, please do not E-Mail Jay or myself offering help to keep the tournaments going. As much as we would appreciate the offers, we just do not have the desire for it at this time. I think Steve Bedo will be coming on board if we continue with the tournaments in the future.

For those of you who placed in the money in the first two tournaments, and transfered the required amount to Greg, that money is of course in Greg's Poker Stars account. If you feel you need a refund, then just E-Mail me & I'll send you the money.

Andy - Las Vegas

Copyright 2022 David Spragg