Your credit card transaction has been declined. If your credit card information was entered correctly, your transaction was probably declined due to Internet gaming restrictions set by your credit card issuer.
So I called Wells Fargo and asked them if there was any new restrictions on the card. They said there was no restrictions and there records did not even show that they tried to access my accounts.
So I called Poker Stars (actually they called me after I sent them an email at The guy kept telling me that it was my bank and that I needed to talk to a Wells Fargo supervisor... I told him, "no I want to talk to your supervisor" so he had his supervisor call me back. The PS supervisor said all Wells Fargo cc transactions are being terminated at the server because of the new internet gaming laws. He waltzed me through the e-check process and gave me the bonus code of newcar for a Porche tourney on the 18th for my troubles. And as Paul Harvey would say... "and that's the whole story!