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The Chip Board Archive 19

Homeowner was waiting for the plumber all morning

... and decided to make a quick break to the corner deli to grab a bite before the plumber came. Pepper, the homeowner's parrot was trained to say "who is it?" whenever someone came to the door which was a benefit, especially if the homeowner was out on the veranda or in the bathroom. Anyway, no more than three minutes after the homeowner left the building, the plumber shows up; knocks on the door... and Pepper does his thing: "Who is it?" ...and of course the response is: "It's the plumber." When no one comes to the door, the plumber knocks again and Pepper follows with his "Who is it?" Within a few minutes the plumber repeatidly knocks on the door and Pepper follows with his thing... Over and over and over, both the plumber and Pepper repeat the same thing [Who is it? - It's the plumber... Who is it? - It's the plumber], but then the plumber, exhausted, after repeating himself over and over, sufferes a heart attacks and falls flat dead on the floor in front of the apartment door. The homeowner returns to see a man at his door and says: "I wonder who that is" and he hears Pepper say.... vbg

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Homeowner was waiting for the plumber all morning

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