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The Chip Board Archive 19

Dennis, it took me a while to find these!...

Your post reminded me of a time when Mike won the jacket and as I recall he decided to sell it. Part of his reasoning was, as evidenced in these pictures, it rarely got cold enough in Palm Desert to even think about wearing it! vbg

Anyway, Mike had these pictures made, but he didn't have the full awareness of how to post them to Greg's Message Board (the file size limitation problem) so he asked for help. Mike being one of the really, really nice people, it was no problem to offer my assistence. He emailed me the pictures (5 of them) and I made them smaller, sent them back and he used them on Greg's Board. Of course within Greg's expiration timeline those pictures disappeared, but I still have the copies and thought I would show them here so that others could see the jacket that you are referring to, and also to comment about Mike.

Great jacket, and an even GREATER guy!

Many of us sure miss him! sad


Messages In This Thread

Remember the ccgtcc Jacket won by Mike Heron ??
Re: Remember the ccgtcc Jacket won by Mike Heron ??
Dennis, it took me a while to find these!...
Jim I have contacted Mike S and.....
Re: Dennis, it took me a while to find these!...
Greg, you are right! vbg Here are the...
You Mean THIS one??,,,,,
Mike was one helluva member!
Mike was as kind as the word gets
Hey John!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg