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The Chip Board Archive 19

37 out of 59 are ZERO bids

at the time of this post. Of the only 2 of the 19 bids have more that ONE bid (two).

I was not going to post until I saw you post "TEXAS SUCKS"..... (in a post further down)

Messages In This Thread

eBay no bids huh? take a L00K..
Someone is just looking for a fight I'd say.
If your talking about me, you are wrong,
So thats how you fight back Steve?
OMG ...! You're Jewish? grin
Just try getting money out of him vbg
Archie, The correct phrasing is.....
The correct phrasing is.....
Re: Someone is just looking for a fight I'd say.
37 out of 59 are ZERO bids
Yes, lets not count newly listed...
Re: Yes, lets not count newly listed...
Just trying to influence new friends I guess.
Steven...Don't Mess with Texas!
The Big 12 is not over rated

Copyright 2022 David Spragg