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The Chip Board Archive 19

No Worries....
In Response To: Re: Actually.... ()

I was worried that I might come off too strong. It was not intended to bash you or anything like that....

Have we had clueless cashiers... the answer is yes. They usually don't last too long. In regards to the drop chip... maybe all the cashiers were briefed, maybe they did not tell anyone at all it depends on how the cage is ran by management. At my properties we try our hardest to over inform the cashiers, however there is always someone that says they were never told. LOL

Want to talk about clueless....
We had a situation a few months back where I came in to check on things and we were out of $2.50 chips at the Horseshoe. There were none in my vault, maybe a barrel (20 chips) in the chip bank. I asked where did all the $2.50 chips go... I was told they all went to Poker. I said "WTF" whose idea was this? No $2.50 chips for table games poker had them all and they were in the drop box. Poker changed their rake that day. No pre-planning or anything like that. They were in a panic. In fact that day they decided to order $4000 worth of .50 chips from GPI (Paul Son). To top things off the Poker Shift Manager found me and told me he was holding me responsible if they can't do their rake. LOL.... You get it from all ends in the cage.

I remembered a poker dealer that came up from Mississippi after Katrina and we were talking and he told me how they did their rake and drop; The .50 chip sits in front of the drop after they drop the 3 - $1 chips and on the next drop a $1 chip is exchanged for the .50 and they drop 4 $1 chips. I ran it by Gene Trimble and he said that was illegal to do in Nevada. But in Iowa the rules are loose and it depends on the IC's (Internal Controls). We got permission to drop in that manner from IRGC and the .50 usage dropped to about 1/4 of what it was prior to the new drop. No need for the 8000 new .50 chips.

Messages In This Thread

(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re:John Check your E-Mail.
Email sent...
Re: Actually....
No Worries....
Poker changed their rake that day.
Re: Poker changed their rake that day.
Maybe a new one in the vault vbg
Email Sent
Re: 2 New Riverboat chips but....
Email sent,,,,,
Maybe you should have contacted your friends 1st?
For get aboutmine being inline on this board...BUT
Re: For get aboutmine being inline on this board..
Re: For get aboutmine being inline on this board..
Re: For get aboutmine being inline on this board..
If it's not the money, then I have an idea..
Re: If it's not the money, then I have an idea..
It's so nice to see his regulars are taken care of
OK I will do you one better....
Man,,,,, I Wish I could,,,,

Copyright 2022 David Spragg