The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 19

I think we're to send them to Andy

and from there, he sends them out to the winners...right? How else will we know who gets what?

Los Angeles Dodgers - Andy Hughes

Milwaukee - Ross Poppel

Texas - Jim Follis

Kansas City - Mike Downey

Chicago Cubs - Ralph Myers

San Francisco - Todd Siegel

Seattle - Tarl Cooley

Oakland - Brian Cashman

Chicago Sox - Mark Rollo

Colorado - Irwin Gross

Anaheim Angels - Barry Hauptman

Cleveland - Marc Shapiro

Arizona - Judy Wuerth

San Diego - Jim Kruse

NY Yankees - Mike Quinlivan

Atlanta - Dennis Shoop

St. Louis - Ruben Apaez

Boston - Steve Blust

Minnesota - Jay Kalman

Pittsburgh - Mitchell Elmblad

NY Mets - Ellen Springer

Tampa Bay - Tony Tricoli

Detroit - Don Logerwell

Washington - David Spragg

Cincinnati - Sheldon Smith

Toronto - Ryan Molloy

Baltimore - Tyrus Mulkey

Philadelphia - Nate Pincus

Florida - Stu Lovett

Houston - Mike Skelton

Messages In This Thread

Somebody pitched a no hitter last night..... grin
yep I owe somebody a $5 chip!
Re: yep I owe somebody a $5 chip!
RI guess we;ll wait for Andy to tell us!
Me's the list
I think we're to send them to Andy
Andy usually posts who sends a chip
Congrats to the two winners, err...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg