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The Chip Board Archive 19

eBay Up For Auction eBay

We have over 40 items ending on eBay this Sunday starting at 5 PM Pacific time. Chips like these:

The King's Inn chip books as a "O" ($150+) but as of this moment has ZERO bids. You just might can get it for the $4.45 opening bid! There are plenty of other great deals to be had as well. So take a look sometime this weekend when you get a chance. There's a link below our store photos below to take you right to this week's auction listings.

You might want to check out our blog as we have declared a new holiday on Tuesday, July 14th. Curious? Click this link to read all about it:

Enjoy your weekend and as always, Happy Chippin'!

Spinettis Gaming Supply

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eBay Up For Auction eBay
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