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The Chip Board Archive 19

I agree with you too...
In Response To: I disagree ... ()

The pureist in me says that you are right too Rich, BUT... I sure like the idea of a modern chip manufacturer or a current casino boss wanting to have them on the house Roulette table. It is not much security to have ROULETTE embossed into the mold. It would never fly in America because of the casino regulations but in Helsinki??? I think that it is very cool. The DOTS with stem is the Casino Ray's logo and even though it will never be a classic Antique chip, I will bet that somebody at the Ray has a fondness for the beauty and simplicity of classic Antique Crest & Seal chips. I do not collect Roulette chips but would sure like a set of the Ray chips!
I like Robert's definition because antique PASTE ON's and MACHINED chips are definately Crest & Seals too and the Machined chips do have the clear cover over the inlay.
But as I stated earlier, To the pureist, a Crest & Seal is a plain mold chip with an inlay that is covered by a clear celuloid cover. Your evolution display is great Rich. Thanks for sharing it.

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C&S AFICIONADOS ?------WebKitFormBoundary+NEru9J1o
Re: YES & NO
Re: YES & NO
Here is another one Wes...
Re: C&S AFICIONADOS ?------WebKitFormBoundary+NEru
I call these C&S -- $6.00 each
I agree Robert...
I disagree ...
I agree with you too...

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