The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 19

I call these C&S -- $6.00 each

I like my simple basic definition of crest and seals -- clay chips with litho inlays and flat rims.

I include these, though with no seal and very fine cross-hatching/linen surface, made by Burt/ASM in the 1990's or so.
The first group are my singles -- not for sale. The second group, you can have for $6.00 each. They are not common, "scarce" I'd call them. When I list them, I give those particulars. Email me if interested.


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C&S AFICIONADOS ?------WebKitFormBoundary+NEru9J1o
Re: YES & NO
Re: YES & NO
Here is another one Wes...
Re: C&S AFICIONADOS ?------WebKitFormBoundary+NEru
I call these C&S -- $6.00 each
I agree Robert...
I disagree ...
I agree with you too...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg