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The Chip Board Archive 19

Congrats to the convention organizers

Just wanted to express my thanks to everyone involved in the organization of this year's convention. Loved the location and for the way the whole shebang was run.

I did make a couple of observations though which I thought were a bit off putting: One being the auction in which I thought the auctioneer was out of line with his comments about Michael Jackson and his death. I felt that the comments and the so called jokes were totally inappropriate. Also I could not understand why,when a bidder's bid was missed,that the auction did not stay open,as it was not the bidders fault that his bid was missed.. There were several obviously missed bids,and the response was simply: "I missed your bid. Sorry" and then the bidding closed. I felt that this was wrong and know for a fact that it annoyed several bidders who were dismissed with said statement.

It is also unfortunate that someone who donates up to $3000 to the club by donating a painting and other items is not offered the courtesy of accommodation or traveling expenses for their time and effort and I think that next year the executive should perhaps consider a stipend to this person if he even decides to contribute again.

Those are my feelings on this. Some of you may not like or agree with me but you know I pull no punches. If I offend I am sorry. I just like to see the correct things happen.

On a positive note,it was great to see people whom I met last year and get to talk to them in more depth this year. Doug Smith and Brian Cashman in particular. I know that Doug and I had a couple of minor issues on the board earlier in the year but,after meeting with him and sharing a buffet together I find that I have a glowing respect for the man. Same with Brian and a couple of others. Shoop...your mom is a hoot! I admire the stamina! rofl It is people like this that make it all worth while coming to the convention. The chips(to me anyway)are a bonus.

The tables treated me well this year. Won one tourney and finished 4th in another at the Orleans and did fairly well in the cash games too. Even though I was the victim of a monstrous suckout in the club tourney I had a great time(a short time....but a great one vbg)

Now that I am almost a landowner in the USA,I hope to see you all at next year's convention.

Messages In This Thread

Congrats to the convention organizers
Re: Congrats to the convention organizers
Great to see you again Rick!
Cool Picture Dennis!!!! Saw Skynrd last nite......
vbg Always a pleasure to see you, Rick & vbg
Great to be able to spend some time with you as
Re: Great to be able to spend some time with you a
It was fun betting on the Hockey Tourney
Rick, Two words "Graphically Pleasing" vbg
Re: Rick, Two words "Graphically Pleasing" vbg
Monstrous suckout bounty
Probably the dumbest call made
Re: Probably the dumbest call made
Problem with that is...
Re: Congrats to the convention organizers

Copyright 2022 David Spragg