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The Chip Board Archive 19

Same size as the one-pounder Jofn ...
In Response To: Dufus alert.... ()

It would be easy to become confused John. Similar presentation box that the $200 strikes come in ... and same size token as the $200 silver strikes, except it only contains 3 troy ounces of silver instead of 12 troy ounces. Palms cost from the manufacturer was something like $87-89 each.

Messages In This Thread

I Picked This One Up At The Convention!
Re: I Picked This One Up At The Convention!
Re: I Picked This One Up At The Convention!
Here's scan of the reverse side ...
Is it a redeemable silver strike, Archie?
No Don.... it's a participant's award
I'm confused....
Re: I'm confused....
Dufus alert....
Same size as the one-pounder Jofn ...
Excuse the typo ... should have read JOHN.
Also came home with this ...!
vbg A Great Hot Stamp!! vbg
Re: vbg A Great Hot Stamp!! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg