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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: My reply to you Steve.
In Response To: Re: My reply to you Steve. ()


Thanks for your response to my post.

I'm a realtively new member (3+/- years) from afar (Boston) and I will admit know only a few people in the hobby. I appreciate everyone's efforts to maintain the fiscal health of the club and think that more strategic thinking needs to be done to ensure its future.

As a fellow financial professional, I can relate to the "busy season or seasons" in my case (forecasting only ends with the budget then starts all over) and being away from the hobby for lengthy periods of time. I just get frustrated when people don't offer solutions to problems.

My apologies if I came across crass or otherwise unprofessional but it was early in the AM when I posted and hadn't had my full morning cup of coffee.

Have a great and safe 4th USA



Messages In This Thread

"Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: I have to Agree..
Re: I have to disagree..
"Party Line...."?
grin Hi Archie, see what happens when the
Yep ... I got it Steve ...
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
I was a late arrival........
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
With each change of venue, there are things we...
Re: With each change of venue, there are things we
Nicely stated, Steve-O
A suggestion Steve ...
grin Nice plaque, Mr. Black...
Thank YOU Mr. Bedo and the BOD!
Re: James

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