We have not met previously so I'm sure you're wondering "who the heck is this repsonder?" but I'm always up for a spirited debate where I know not the facts but can argue and shoot holes in your side of the discussion so I'm chiming in here as you have said we all have our opinion and are entitled to free speech so here I go......
I read most of your posts (and the chronological responses) and maybe missed something so I apologize if I appear to be piling on but in response to your comments about losing dealers for next year's convention and that individual dealer who passed you and Doug in the convention area, I have to ask the following questions:
When you saw someone in need, what did you do to help them out? Then, not now, by voicing your monday morning chippin' disleasure about a decision that you have limited knowledge about (as you're not part of the decision making body or ensuing facts to that they nade there decision based upon)
To paraphrase Bedo, "we live and learn" and next year will hopefully be better or at least certianly different. If you're so concnerned about next year's convention, then, now's the time to sign up and get involved.
There's about 20 hours of floor convention time with the dealers. Just because I wanted to attend the convention, I flew in from Boston on Thursday afternoon and arrived post closing of the doors, volunteered 2 hours on Friday AM, volunteered 2 hours on Saturday AM and walked thre floor the rest of the time; then flew out later Saturday after the convention closed. Out of my 13 hours of floor convention time, I spent 4 hours volunteering. What more are you going to do to get involved and help out for Convention '10? Maybe you could be the Dealer Advisor to the convention chair?
I would suggest that that the ACE pledge does not end when the convention ends but let's have it last until the next convention!
Just making some points to kind of get you back on track of your original post.
As this is the 4th of July weekend
, let's start it off with some fireworks, huh!!
Have a safe and enjoybale weekend.