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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1

I personally object to this type of "dressing down" on our chipboard....a personal email would have gotten your point across. I think you owe Jim S. an apology. Your thoughts on "Thursday until 10 oclock" what about the poor dealer that couldn't make it until 11 oclock? It can be carried on and on. The fact that times were in writing well in advance of the convention would make most understand that they would have to make alternate plans if they could not be there Wednesday. This type of thread doesn't belong on the chipboard. Just my two cents.

Messages In This Thread

"Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: I have to Agree..
Re: I have to disagree..
"Party Line...."?
grin Hi Archie, see what happens when the
Yep ... I got it Steve ...
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
I was a late arrival........
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
With each change of venue, there are things we...
Re: With each change of venue, there are things we
Nicely stated, Steve-O
A suggestion Steve ...
grin Nice plaque, Mr. Black...
Thank YOU Mr. Bedo and the BOD!
Re: James

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