The BOD has decided to offer the last set of Tournament chips for sale at the 7th Annual Bruce Landau Memorial Auction
during the convention.
This is the ONLY remaining set for sale and is a mixed set of 2001/2002 tournament chips.
The lot consists of
51 - $1 Chips from 2001
24 - $1 Chips from 2002
75 - $5 Chips from 2001
50 - $25 Chips from 2001
50 - $100 Chips from 2001
50 - $500 Chips from 2001
2 Decks of Cards
1 leatherette Chip Case
Scans of 2001 & 2002 chips can be seen at the following link courtesy of Greg Susong
The lot will be the very first one auctioned off live on Friday night the 26th as lot "U"
There has already been an opening bid of $125 and bids can be made thru the normal process as outlined in the auction rules.
100% proceeds from this "Donated lot" goes to the
Thanks and hope to see you in Vegas,
Douglas Smith