I have shares in various places, and two of those corporations do have an electronic voting system.
Im not sure why I bothered, but when I was first invited, I elected to take the electronic route.
First I had to return a form indicating that option.
Then I had to fill out a form with various personal data before being given a unique ID/password.
Since then, and Im going to guess this is about the 4th year, about a month before a ballot would be due, I receive a form where I have to 'tick' that either I wish to continue with the elctronic vote or revert back to the postal one.
Now in fairness, I do not have to return this form, as the 'default' would be to continue unchanged.
It was just the point that apart from the fact I believe a paper option is mandatory, this electronic voting would not seem to have saved any time, money or paper for anyone, and probably doesnt alter the number of votes cast either.
In an organisation where one had to vote once a month (but the confirmation form was just done yearly), I recognise it would work.