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The Chip Board Archive 19

None have bounced... That I know of

But yet, as from my original post, I've primarily used Paypal for all my ebay/hobby collecting activities. Yes, I've received several checks in the mail, and I don't remember any that have been lost in the mail nor have any bounced to my knowledge. Another consideration is that with this hobby being so specific, your talking about only 5,000 active chipper (maybe)? So because it's just for this, and not some desperate person trying to buy groceries floating the check for a couple days - the check is most likely not to bounce.

good point, but it still a possibility.

Messages In This Thread

They are getting Greedy too
When did this start?
It was a surprise to me also.
Login to your account and
I sent money today and....
What a shocker:eBay=Paypal=Greed
I stand corrected
Yeah, they'll all be "personal transactions" now!
Options? not use Paypal
It's ok with me: Pros & Cons many cheques/checks have bounced...
None have bounced... That I know of
Re: None have bounced... That I know of
I've always been a big fan until now...
NO FEES, if...
That's strange because
Once you accept a credit card in any account you

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