would EVER see voting up to 60%, especially not without opposing candidates. This election, there was only one contested position -- and I believe that many people didn't vote because any one of the three candidates would have been the correct choice. In my opinion -- more candidates, more voters. Maybe we will look to electronic voting in the future...I know that Mark Lighterman, who is very involved with the ANA & the
, has some experience with electronic voting & provided some insight on it to the BoD earlier this year.
There is a core group of people in this club that are involved...it may be only 25%, I don't know. But there are a lot of members that just enjoy the magazine or the convention or their chips and avoid involvement in the club, even when it comes to voting. Plus, I do think that with the current economic climate being what it is, people have bigger things to worry about.
Steve Bedo
Membership Officer