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The Chip Board Archive 19

Am not surprised...


Am saddended with your handling of this, particularly since you are a Board Member. You posted "your are not listed in either the 2008 or 2009 database"...despite my paying in full in 2008, as the CC & GTC records I listed, clearly indicate. You were wrong and this is indisputable, no matter how you, now want to spin it.

My payment and the CC & GTC's inability to recognize my payment or me as a paid member in 2008-2009 is not my fault...whatsoever. With this error one can only guess what the records show for 2007-2008.

At worst....I am guilty of letting my just expired membership lapse for, what, a couple weeks? This is how you treat a 6-7 year member, who's membership lapsed for a few weeks? If so, it is a sad day for the CC & GTC and hope you learn from it and others are treated better, starting with a private email to anyone who's membership has lapsed, rather than a public post (erroneously) that serves to simply shame the lapsed member, professionalism at its best.

All I did was ask in the post to know when my membership expired (as I was unaware), said "thank you", and "Gracias" when notified.

Messages In This Thread

Steve Bedo....Please read
You will get no apology from me...
Am not surprised...
Once again...the fact that you were not listed in

Copyright 2022 David Spragg