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The Chip Board Archive 19

My Casino Token For The Day - Route

Yesterday, Eric Miller, asked me to define what a "Route Token" was. A route company is a business that went around Nevado and place slot machines in small bars, grocery stores, etc. Most bars could not afford to buy the machines and put them in themselves. The route company's would put them in, maintain them, pay off the big winners. For this the bar would receive a percentage of the profits from the machines.

There are 12 tokens on this page so you may have to move the bottom bar around to see them all. On the route token, one side was used to identify the bar and the other side was for advertizing the route company. Of these 12 tokens all 12 were put out by route company's but one does not belong in the group. Which one is it? Eleven of them have something in common, one of them doesn't. Don't read any further - go look and then come back.

The third row, second token, does not belong with the group even though it was probably issued by a route company. It is my opinion that route tokens can not be considered a route tokens unless the name of the route company is on the token. The route company name is what makes it a route token.

Some will say I am wrong I am sure. But logic tells you that a route token should have the route company's name on it. That is the best I can do Eric. I am looking forward to what other people have to say on the subject, other than what a bad speller I am. LOL

Copyright 2022 David Spragg