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The Chip Board Archive 19

Jackpot Auctions American Idol Final Standings

1st place $200 silver strike
2nd place two red caps
3rd place Palms playboy roulette chips

Congratulations to Francisco Figueirido winner of Jackpot Auctions American Idol contest for the second year in a row. Second place goes to Kameron Christensen in her first year of the contest. Brenda Black wins third place prize. Archie Black also ran.

Francisco Figueirido 616
Kameron Christensen 583
Brenda Black 579
Richard Rosales 563
Norman Chrzanowski 530
Clarita Gendreau 527
Larry Jones 480
Cher Wiltz 466
Pete Ryan 460
Dave Ruffell 456
Stephanie Christensen 455
Norm Wu 453
Christy Gregory 448
Tad D. Palmer 430
David McCutcheon 426
Carol Chzanowski 408
Mike Gendreau 392
Robert Likes 374
Caleb Jones 369
Ken Eklund 368
Robert Baxter 359
Ann Brooks 354
Tracy Bottemiller 353
Peter Van Der Kar 325
Shirley Jones 313
Dave Serebin 308
Becky Bottemiller 305
Bill Brooks 298
Michael Downey 275
Archie Black 270

Copyright 2022 David Spragg