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The Chip Board Archive 19

Was first enacted for those who died (Civil War)

... and named Decoration Day.. became a legal holiday (the last Monday in may; in most states) in memory of the dead servicemen...

Decoration Day: in Southern states, Confederate Memorial Day is variously observed on April 26,
may 10, June 3, etc....

Changed after WWI (Memorial Day)... to include all US Service persons who died in all wars.

Just found this in Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language.

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A special shout-out to all my fellow Vets !!!
I ditto that 100%
Re: A special shout-out to all my fellow Vets !!!
Was first enacted for those who died (Civil War)
In small-town Missouri...
I remember the poppies being sold in trays ...
In Flander's Field..........

Copyright 2022 David Spragg