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The Chip Board Archive 19

My 2¢

While I'm not a veteran chip collector as most of you, you did ask for opinions.

I feel the chips should be attributed, in order, as follows 1) The Ship/Yacht name 2) State of harbor 3) Owner name and address.

The state of harbor being the most important if you are seeking a "home" for the chips but the other information is just as important to me as its "home" state.

Yacht Name
State of Harbor
Name and address of Owner during use/ownership
Dates of use

Messages In This Thread

Opinons wanted on chip attributions
If you knew where the yacht was harbored...
Re: If you knew where the yacht was harbored...
If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif.
Re: If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif
Re: If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif
I vote for none at all ...
Re: I vote for none at all ...
What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: We List Illegals By...
Re: We List Illegals By...
Re: We List Illegals By...
Re: Yes-Don't You???
IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
Re: IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
Rich and others
Re: Rich and others
Look, a Lighterman sighting grin
Re: IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
Re: IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
To answer your question:
Re: To answer your question:
Re: Opinons wanted on chip attributions
Re: Opinons wanted on chip attributions
Wet chips are wet chips
SWAT That Hornet's Nest Rich! I vote...
My 2¢

Copyright 2022 David Spragg