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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif

I'm not necessarially disagreeing but the yacht chips are the owner's personal chips which could be used anywhere (although the burgees pretty well define the location).

Do you see a difference between personal chips and casino chips? Now, a chip book author told me that they should not be attributed to any state.

So, your vote of: a) state of residence, b) state where yacht is kept, c) no state at all, is B.

Oh, I did get a 4th choice: nobody care but me!.

If it turns out that the vast majority agree on one of the 3 choices, I'll use it

Messages In This Thread

Opinons wanted on chip attributions
If you knew where the yacht was harbored...
Re: If you knew where the yacht was harbored...
If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif.
Re: If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif
Re: If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif
I vote for none at all ...
Re: I vote for none at all ...
What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: We List Illegals By...
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Re: Yes-Don't You???
IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
Re: IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
Rich and others
Re: Rich and others
Look, a Lighterman sighting grin
Re: IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
Re: IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
To answer your question:
Re: To answer your question:
Re: Opinons wanted on chip attributions
Re: Opinons wanted on chip attributions
Wet chips are wet chips
SWAT That Hornet's Nest Rich! I vote...
My 2ยข

Copyright 2022 David Spragg