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The Chip Board Archive 19

If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif.

wouldn't you consider the chips to be from Nevada? So, if the chips are kept on the yacht which is harbored in Pennsylvania, why do you consider the chips to be from Deleware? I have noticed that, for example, day cruises from ships that harbor in Florida are counted amongst Florida chips. I would imagine that some of the owners reside in other states. Of course, it's your choice. I am just giving food for thought.

Michael Siskin

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Opinons wanted on chip attributions
If you knew where the yacht was harbored...
Re: If you knew where the yacht was harbored...
If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif.
Re: If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif
Re: If the owner of a Nevada casino lives in Calif
I vote for none at all ...
Re: I vote for none at all ...
What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: What if Dick moves to Oregon ???
Re: We List Illegals By...
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Re: Yes-Don't You???
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Rich and others
Re: Rich and others
Look, a Lighterman sighting grin
Re: IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
Re: IMHO Yacht will have a Home Port
To answer your question:
Re: To answer your question:
Re: Opinons wanted on chip attributions
Re: Opinons wanted on chip attributions
Wet chips are wet chips
SWAT That Hornet's Nest Rich! I vote...
My 2ยข

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