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The Chip Board Archive 19

5.00 for a can of Coke (try $14) ? vbg

On our first nite in Lausanne we decided to take the steamer across the lake over to Evian (casino) since the only game in town at the time was Boule. It was a direct crossing w/o any stops, and when we reached the dock there was a small 20-passenger bus waiting to pick up people traveling to the casino; lots of European style. Anyway, once in the casino my wife decided to go down to the launge... we sat down, and the server came over to take our order of a Coke Lite (which they ran out of) and instead she brought over two glasses w/ ice and one (1) of those small bottles of Coke. $14 in French francs... and here's a guy who has been around the block a few times... grin

Otherwise, while in France or wherever; we would stop in to a small food store and buy a can of Coke Lite for about 90 cents (Frf) while we were walking around.

The thing about the Hogfish sandwiches I mentioned in your return thread was true; we had a few of them on several mornings while in Nice. Hot, crisp and dripping in lard... vbg

That was in '89.... grin

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My e-mail tp Pat Lamb on europe trip
I forgot TITO I got from 5 casinos
When you show the chips and jetons?
Carlos your chips mailed 5/18 let me know when rec
5.00 for a can of Coke (try $14) ? vbg
Try $400+
I did 16 days on Mallorca for less than that

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