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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: Way to go Smitty!
In Response To: Way to go Smitty! ()

Thanks Greg & Thanks to you and Andy and Steve for the great season. I know the beginning of the season was very trying time for you Greg. Thanks for hanging in there like the True Champion that you are! USA

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Robert Smith wins TCBRTTWSOP #20!
WHO? vbg
Re: WHO? vbg
Re: WHO? vbg
Rob way to go u were tough-Norm u too vbg
u oo rofl
Re: Rob way to go u were tough-Norm u too vbg
Good luck to all 9 players vbg
Sorry about your drink
WTG Smitty, Great end game !
Thanks Dennis... USA
grin THANKS Andy, J, Greg & Steve B. grin
Re: grin THANKS Andy, J, Greg & Steve B. grin
Re: grin THANKS Andy, J, Greg & Steve B. grin
grin THANKS Andy, J, Greg & Steve B. grin
And so say we all!!!
Way to go Smitty!
Re: Way to go Smitty!
Thank You
And THANKS to all who run it
Congrats Smitty! And Thanks to the organizers
wtg Smitty! And special thanks to....
Andy - Jay - Greg & Steve

Copyright 2022 David Spragg