The amount of cash you'll need is a curious thing. I've acquired many chips at conventions with little outlay and if you have any traders, you'll be surprised at the trades you may be able to make. The Club auction on Friday night is also a good oportunity to score great chips at favorable prices and meet other chippers, try that and the educational seminars. Free coffee and soda too!
I always pack a small notebook to keep track of who and how much on the chips I purchase. Very valuable when you get back home. Note chips you may purchase later too and contact info on other chippers.
I tried to look at every single chip on the sales floor my first convention visit and after a few hours I got pretty woozy! Pace yourself and you'll have a great time.
You may notice a hoard of chippers at one of the casino bars. You don't need to be a barfly to wade in. Look for a fellow with a t-shirt that sez "Mr. SplashBar" on the front and "Wooooooooooooo" on the back. That is Brian Cashman. Intoduce yourself and tell him you're a first timer and he'll meet you up with everyone else there.