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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: Charity Auction Update
In Response To: Charity Auction Update ()

Put me and my wife down for $125.00 bringing the total bid to $250.00. Kindly take all auction items if I win and give them to Jim Steffner for inclusion in the Club's fund raising auction. I will give you the "cash" when I see you at the convention or I can give it to Gene whenever I see him. It's entirely up too you. let me know by email what you would like me to do.
Best Wishes to Lori (How does a wonderful individual like her stay married to you vbg) Just kidding Spraggie!
Take Care,

Messages In This Thread

Charity Auction Update
PLEASE READ - If you wish to donate,
Items will be added if the bid increases, as
Re: Charity Auction Update
Slight confusion - perhaps you could clarify grin
Re: Slight confusion - perhaps you could clarify :
Re: Slight confusion - perhaps you could clarify :
Add this complete Dry Heat set if you get to $200
Re: Add this complete Dry Heat set if you get to $
No problem. grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg