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The Chip Board Archive 19

Number 1

The following $5.00 Golden Nugget chip was purchased from Doug Saito. It is listed in The Official U.S. Casino Price Guide as an R-8 priced at $1,250 to $4,000. Doug purchased eight or so pieces with a least half of them in “sad” shape. This piece was one of the better ones. Obviously, I would price it a bit more with top around $6,000. Prior to Doug making this purchase I did not see this chip for sale except by one dealer. How many are in personal collections is anyone’s guess. My guess would be there are not that many around. It is one of my favorite pieces because it comes from a period in time when the Golden Nugget looked like a Gambling Hall and Saloon. A big yellow neon sign in front and a quality walnut or mahogany bar inside with gold plated spittoons on the floor at the corners of the bar.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg