... dupes of each except for the white chip from the black table. There were only 2 of those.
What impressed me most with my find were the calls I got from those who worked in the area and have been looking for the Roulette chips for over 30 years (back then)... and of course Howdy's lot descriptions meant an awful lot to me... but the final were the eBay Auction sales... of which eBay was very kind to me. Each time a high bidder wanted me to end the auction early I would inform eBay and they said it was fine with them. As In noted in earlier posts; I would offer to pay eBay their fee, but they always refused by saying it was their pleasure to serve, but did inform me that I would not be able to leave any feedback... Buyers and I always got a kick with that one.
I was kicking them out at $1100, $1200 and $1400 a pop; one after the other while offering them here as well.