The Sci Fi channel show "Ghost Hunters" just filmed an episode at the Cuban Club! Heres the link...
From the episode..
"For this investigation, TAPS heads south to Florida to examine the mysterious occurrences at the historic Cuban Club in Ybor City. The club was originally built in 1917 following Cuban immigration into the United States. The space was intended to be a "Circulo Cubano", which means "Circle of Cubans" and since its inception, it has served as the hub of Cuban social life. Back in the 1920s an actor committed suicide on the stage of the theater. And during that same time period, one of the board of directors shot another board member in the face, after a heated argument. Since then, the spirits of both the restless actor and betrayed board member are still rumored to haunt the club. To date, spectators have also reported seeing a woman in a white dress and red high heel shoes walking up the staircase in the main hallway. And on the ground level, people say they saw a little boy, playing with a ball in the area where a pool used to be."
Heres the chips from the Cuban Club