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The Chip Board Archive 19

No pain involved, just smelly bone burning grin

Seriously, you'll enjoy it.


Messages In This Thread

sad sad No convention for Rick sad sad
dont feel bad rick...
Dont feel bad Guys,,,,,
No Convention For The General (:
You all are in our Prayers,,,, are one of the ones
Get better soon Chuck..back pain is the worst!
Hope it heals FAST!
Re: Hope it heals FAST!
sad Gonna Miss You Buddy!! sad
That's a fun procedure.
Re: That's a fun procedure.
That Sucks!
Rejects??? Oh please say it isn't so...
Re: Rejects??? Oh please say it isn't so...
No pain involved, just smelly bone burning grin
im not going either....
so many not going we might just have to have....
well now I don't want to go if you don't! sad
me either too can't make it
I can't go either sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg